
The website with internet address www.opentorendag.nl  and all information posted below, is aimed at residents of the Netherlands and abroad. This website contains original ideas, texts and figures. The intellectual (property) rights with regard to this website are held by the Open The Doors Foundation, established in Amsterdam. Copyright concept © 2011 ©2012 ©2013 ©2014  ©2015 ©2016 ©2017 ©2018 ©2019 ©2020 ©2021 Henri van Poll

The Open The Doors Foundation authorizes you to copy parts of this site for non-commercial purposes. Apart from this limited permission, any other use, reproduction and/or reproduction in whole or in part, is prohibited without the prior written permission of the Open The Doors Foundation.

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Cookies on Opentorendag.nl / Opentowerday.com

Opentorendag.nl / Opentowerday.com uses cookies to make it easy to use the website.

What are cookies?

A cookie or similar technology is a small text file that is stored on your computer, tablet or mobile phone when you use our website. A cookie has a unique number to which data can be linked. We use two types of cookies on this website: analytical cookies and embedded content cookies. Here you can read more about which cookies Stichting Open The Doors uses and their purpose.

Types of cookies we use

Analytical cookies
We use analytical cookies to measure the visit to our website. This allows us to determine which parts of our website are most interesting for our visitors. We can also optimize the website in this way. We use software from a third party for this: Google Analytics. IP addresses are processed for our functional and analytical cookies. The resulting statistics and reports cannot be traced back to individuals. We do not need to ask for permission for functional and analytical cookies.

Embedded content cookies

In some places within the websites mentioned, content is loaded from another website, for example a YouTube video or a Facebook discussion. The website on which the content was originally published can therefore place cookies. We must ask you for permission to use these cookies.

How long do I give permission for cookies?

The Open The Doors Foundation records whether you have given permission to place a cookie. Every year you will be asked again whether you accept the cookie. You can then give your permission again for placing the cookie. This also applies to cookies that are valid for more than 1 year.

You do not want to have cookies placed at all?

Do you not want the Open The Doors foundation to place cookies on your computer? Then you need to adjust your browser settings. You will then receive a warning before cookies are placed. You can also adjust your browser to refuse all cookies or only the cookies from third parties. Finally, you can delete cookies that have already been placed. Please note that you must adjust the settings separately for each browser and computer you use.

If you refuse the cookies, we can no longer guarantee that our website works one hundred percent. It is possible that certain functions no longer work, or even that you can no longer see the website at all. It is also possible that you continue to receive the question to place cookies with each visit.


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